Night all loyal visitors of this blog.For all of you students who majored in programmers must have heard or even are looking to know what is a stoplist ?? Well this time I will discuss about stopword and stoplist. Following the explanation:
Stoplist or Stopword Algotitm is a stoplist algotitm (discarding less important words) or wordlist (saving unnecessary words). This system uses the stoplist method of removing non-stopwords in the description by checking the words in the token description if the results are included in the list of words that are not important (stoplist) or not if included in the stoplist then the words will be diremove From the description of the remaining words in the description is considered as important words or keyword (pattern).Stopword Removal / Filtering at the Filtering stage is the stage to take important words from the token results, can use a stoplist algorithm (remove the word that is considered less important) or wordlist (save important words).
So, hopefully brief explanation above can give picture for temen-temen all who are looking for 😀 enlightenment
Here I provide source code for reference, and can be expanded again into a better program
<? Php$ Contents = $ _POST ["sentence"]; // to collect the value of the form sent by method = POST$ Result = array_count_values (// to generate an array containing the value of the result of the repetition of the value in array (). Cth riki => 1
Str_word_count (// to mngetahui the number of words in a string. Cth "riki aji" -> there are 2, using function 1 then it will be an array
Strip_tags ($ contents), 1 / / to mnghilangkan html characters dri value inputted
);Function removeCommonWords ($ contents) {
// EEEEEEK Stop words
$ CommonWords = array ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', ' About ',' is ',' after ',' kinda ',' in order ',' will ',' consequence ',' consequence ',' all ',' also ',' very ',' an ',' , 'What', 'what', 'what', 'what', 'what', 'what', 'what', 'what', 'what', 'as',' at ',' or ',' B ',' like ',' like ',' like ',' how ',' for ',' even ',' that ',' that ',' be ',' because ',' been ',' before ' , 'Being', 'being', 'yet', 'coming', 'being different', 'being together', 'true', 'between', 'let', 'even if', 'if', ' When ',' can ',' both ',' but ',' by ',' c ',' come ',' can ',' how ',' come ',' example ',' could ',' d ' , 'As',' as', 'as',' as often ',' as appropriate ',' as', 'often', 'and', 'after', 'after', 'and', ' Should ',' since ',' so ',' some ',' still ',' such ',' already ',' already ',' so ',' t ',' take ',' without ',' but ' , 'Has',' Have ',' about ',' about ',' against ',' too ',' is', 'be', 'continue', 'but', 'than', 'that', 'the', 'their' , 'Them', 'through', 'to', 'them', 'through', 'to', 'the', 'through', 'to', 'too', ' Under ',' to ',' up ',' use ',' v ',' very ',' w ',' though ',' though ',' want ',' was', 'way', 'we' , 'Who', 'who', 'who', 'who', 'where', 'where', ' Y ',' ie ',' ie ',' you ',' your ',' z ',' exist ',' are ',' existence ',' as ',' apparently ',' in order ',' , 'Will', 'end', 'end', 'finally', 'me', 'me', 'very', 'you', 'you', 'between', 'between', 'between', ' If ',' apatah ',' meaning ',' origin ',' as long as ',' above ',' or ',' or ',' or ',' if ',' if ',' , 'How', 'how', 'anyway', 'for', 'part', 'even', 'for', 'good', 'going', 'going', ' Behind ',' many ',' father ',' bar U ',' down ',' some ',' like ',' begin ',' this is', 'so', 'is that', 'that', 'as well', 'working', 'back', 'later' , 'Right', 'true', 'true', 'being', 'ending', 'ending', 'ending', 'how much', 'what', 'how' Any ',' means ',' beginning ',' variety ',' give ',' give ',' following ',' next ',' numbered ',' repeatedly ',' said ',' willing ',' Desires', 'to go', 'to vary', 'to mean', 'to begin', 'together', 'together', 'to be ready' , 'Get ready', 'ask', 'wonder', 'successive', 'consecutive', 'tell', 'say', 'in the form', 'big', 'right', 'ordinary' 'Usually', 'if', 'can', 'can', 'can', 'may', 'may', 'make', 'not', 'is not', 'not', 'instead of', 'month ',' Enough ',' enough ',' enough ',' only ',' first ',' in ',' and ',' can ',' from ',' come ', 'Close', 'demi', 'so', ' So ',' with ',' front ',' at','Any', 'means', 'beginning', 'variety', 'give', 'give', 'following', 'next', 'numbered', 'repeatedly', 'said', 'willing' 'Wishy', 'pertinent', 'passing', 'going on', 'overdone', 'varying', 'varying', 'intent', 'starting', 'together', 'together', ' ',' Get ready ',' ask ',' wonder ',' successive ',' successive ',' tell ',' say ',' in the form ',' big ',' right ',' ordinary ' , 'Can', 'can', 'can', 'may', 'may', 'make', 'not', 'is not', 'is not', 'instead of', ' Moon ',' bung ',' how ',' enough ',' suffice ',' suffice ',' only ',' first ',' in ',' and ',' can ',' from ',' come ' , '', '', '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' Such as', 'given', 'given', 'given', 'made', 'made', 'gotten', 'imported', 'used', 'likened', 'likened', 'memorized', 'reminded' , 'Desired', 'dijaw Ab ',' explained ',' explained ',' said ',' said ',' done ',' known ',' know ',' thought ',' done ',' passed ',' seen ',' intended ' , 'Intended', 'intended', 'intended', 'requested', 'asked', 'weeded', 'started', 'begun', 'start', 'early', 'confirmed', 'done', ' 'Is',' is', 'is',' is', 'is',' is', 'is used', 'is required', 'questioned', ' , 'Here', 'here', 'added', 'affirmed', 'asked', 'asked', 'asked', 'affirmed', 'addressed', 'appointed', 'pointed', 'indicated', ' 'Pronounced', 'dong', 'two', 'first', 'four', 'enggak', 'baseball' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' Let ',' to ',' he ',' is', 'like', 'Ibaratkan', 'ibaratnya', 'mother', 'if', 'follow', 'remember', 'remember', 'want', 'want,' 'want', 'this',' 'Is',' that ',' that ',' that ',' so ',' be ',' be ',' do not ',' let ',' do not ',' remote ',' answer ',' answer ',' He said ',' clear ',' explain ',' clear ',' he explained ',' if ',' also ',' sum ',' sum ',' precisely ',' when ',' if ' 'If it', 'if', 'you', 'we', 'we', 'you', 'you', 'when', 'when', 'when', 'whenever', 'case', 'word ',' Say ',' to ',' state ',' coincidence ',' minor ',' second ',' both ',' desire ',' over time ',' visible ', 'Apparent', 'fifth', 'out', 'back', 'then', 'probable', 'probable', 'to', 'to him', 'accomplishment', 'whole', 'whole', 'outrageous' ',' When ',' in particular ',' now ',' here ',' guess ',' roughly ',' presumably ',' us ',' we ',' less ',' again ',' ',' Lah ',' other ',' other ',' then ',' old ',' duration ',' advanced ', 'Advanced', 'more', 'pass',' five ',' outer ',' sorts', 'then', 'so', 'more', 'instead', 'even', 'capable', 'where ',' When ',' manalagi ',' time ',' problem ',' problem ',' still ',' still ',' respectively ',' respectively ',' want ',' or', 'Ask', 'use', 'predict', 'show', 'prepare', 'question', 'question', 'have', 'start', 'enable', ' ',' Add ',' confirm ',' wait ',' stay tuned ',' wait for ',' ask ',' quiz ',' ask ',' get ',' get ',' upcoming ',' go ' ',' To say ',' to do ',' to say ',' to say ',' to ',' to do ',' to know ',' to use ',' to ',' to liken ' 'Likens', 'remembers', 'reminds', 'wants', 'To say', 'to say', 'to say', 'to reveal', 'to', 'to answer', 'to explain', 'to', 'to point', 'to point', 'to show', 'to designate' ',' Tell ',' mention ',' thorough ',' prepare ',' feel ',' them ',' they ',' are ',' though ',' 'Though', 'believe', 'convince', 'ask', 'like', 'eg', 'eg', 'for example', 'start', 'start', 'start', 'beginning', ' ',' Nah ',' up ',' but ',' later ',' later ',' almost ',' in fact ',' by ',' by ',' on ',' whereas', 'to him' 'Pack', 'most', 'long', 'proper', 'para', 'pasti', 'important', 'importance', 'per', 'useless',' need ',' perlukah ',' ',' First ',' first ',' question ',' party ',' party ',' hit ',' also ',' too ',' have ',' taste ' ',' Taste ',' average ',' apparently ',' moment ',' time ',' only ',' alone ',' mutual ',' same ',' equally ',' while ',' ',' To convey ',' to the extent ','there',' very ',' one ',' me ',' me ',' se ',' cause ',' why ',' as', 'as',' some ',' as good ' Good ',' before ',' before ',' in fact ',' how ',' as big ',' actually ',' as much as', 'a' , 'Call', 'call', 'call', 'in', 'moderate', 'moderate', 'while', 'such,' 'little', 'at least', 'as arbitrarily', 'all', ' Everything ',' soon ',' should ',' so ',' as memorable ',' since ',' as far ',' for a moment ',' a number ',' just ',' awkward ',' once ',' , 'Now', 'once', 'now', 'now', 'as small', 'instantaneous',' if ',' around ',' surrounding ',' at least ',' interrupt ',' Besides', 'as',' always', 'during', 'forever', 'forever', 'next', 'whole', 'sort', 'getting', 'as good', 'as' While ',' semisalnya ',' had ',' know ',' year ',' tak ',' add ',' as', 'as',' as' 'He asked', 'he asked', 'but', 'firm', 'firmly', 'place' , 'The', 'the', 'the', 'the,' the 'last', the 'feels',' most ',' former ',' exist ',' composed ',' against ',' ',' Incurred ',' more ',' visible ',' including ',' was, '' reminded ',' happened ',' Are ',' is ',' fixed ',' but ',' each ',' arrived ',' suddenly ',' no ',' no ',' Not ',' three ',' high ',' toh ',' point ',' participate ',' say ',' he said ',' say ',' he said ',' said ',' he said ',' , 'Wah', 'wahai', 'time', 'time', 'if', 'if', 'if', ' Though ',' wong ',' ie ',' sure ',' ie ',' yang ');
Return preg_replace ('/ \ b ('. Implode ('|', $ commonWords). ') \ B /', '', $ contents);
print_r (removeCommonWords ($ contents));?> </ Textarea>
</ Div> </ form> </ div> <br /> My friends can add wordlistnya .. <br /> the following command to accommodate "sentence" from HTML with method post <br /> $ contents = $ _POST [ "Sentence"]; <br /> <br /> The HTML script is as follows: <div> <div align = "center"> <input onclick = "Javascript: this.form.txt.focus (); ();" Type = "button" value = "Copy all" /> </ div> <div align = "center"> <textarea cols = "20" name = "txt" rows = "5" style = "height: 200px; : 300px; " Wrap = "VIRTUAL"> <html> <head> <title> Information Retrieval </ title> </ head> <body> <h1 style = "color: blue;"> Stoplist Process </ h1> <* form action = "Process.php" method = "post"> <legend> Content with the letter </ legend> <br> <textarea name = "sentence" style = "width: 100%; height: 300px;"> </ textarea> <br /> <type> <input style = "submit" value = "Process" / & gt; * please delete <br /> </ div> </ form> </ div>
See you Tomorrow .. Happy coding 😀
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