Referensi para programer



Thursday 27 April 2017

Source code how to display double word number in one sentence PHP Source code how to display double word count in one sentence PHP


Morning guys, this time I will give a reference for you guys who are looking for php coding to see how many words are duplicated / double in sentence. Coding that I made simple, but hopefully useful, okay we see the code directly ..

</ div>
Coding above is one example to calculate it .. what i need to underline this is from this program is this coding: $ Result = array_count_values (// to generate an array containing the value of the result of the repetition of the value in array (). Cth riki => 1 Str_word_count (// to remove the number of words in a string. Cth "riki aji" -> there are 2, using function 1 then it will be an array Strip_tags ($ contents), 1 / / to remove html characters dri value inputted ) );
Or my friends can download full source code here
 A lot of turorial from me .. Happy coding: D

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